Page 431 - Week 01 - Thursday, 16 February 2012

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The Taskforce worked diligently to consider in detail the 224 recommendations made by the Human Rights Commission. Overall, the ACT Government response is consistent with the approach contained in the HRC Report.

The ACT Government position on each of the recommendations has been finalised and the Government, through the Taskforce, is now focused on developing the Blueprint for Youth Justice in the ACT.

The Blueprint for Youth Justice in the ACT will provide the strategic direction for the reform of the youth justice system over the next 5 – 10 years.

The Taskforce will consult with the community in developing the Blueprint. The

Human Rights Commission will have the opportunity to participate in the consultation which will occur from December 2011 until March 2012.

6. Work is progressing on the development of a service model for four kinship support workers to augment current service provision in the ACT. A Project Officer has been appointed. A draft project paper has been developed and will be circulated shortly for comment and consultation within government and across the sector more broadly. The two kinship care support roles funded in the 2011 Budget were advertised in November 2011. Recruitment for two kinship support workers has commenced. It is expected two workers will commence in these positions early in 2012 to establish the service. Recruitment of two additional positions will commence midyear.

7. The Community Sector Industrial Relations Information and Advisory Service commenced on 27 October 2011. Jobs Australia is the lead agency in partnership with ACTCOSS. Information is available at

8. The Government indicated in its submission to Fair Work Australia on 29 July 2011 that it “...does not accept a situation in which gender can form the basis for decisions about remuneration.”

The 29 July 2011 submission also indicated that “the Government is aware of the likely financial and non-financial impact of this case upon both employers in the ACT and upon the Government and will make a responsible decision regarding support for the sector at the appropriate time.”

In a supplementary submission on 9 December 2011 to the Full Bench of Fair Work Australia, in response to a joint submission to the Full Bench by the Australian Government and the Australian Services Union, the ACT Government noted that it “does not object to the outcomes proposed in the Joint Submission.”

As a decision has not yet been brought down by the Full Bench, the full impact of the any decision has yet to be determined. Nevertheless, the ACT submissions to Fair Work Australia represent the core of the Government’s response to the case:

Gender is not a basis for making decisions about remuneration; and

Support will be provided to community sector employers impacted by the decision, at the appropriate time and in a responsible manner.

9. No significant policy concerns have been raised by the community sector.

10. Mindpath was engaged to conduct an investigation into a complaint. The investigation has been conducted on the basis that it is confidential to the parties to the complaint.

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