Page 419 - Week 01 - Thursday, 16 February 2012

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(2) The Bimberi Youth Justice Centre has a full complement of staff.

(3) Staff turnover rates have reduced in the last twelve months. In the 2010-11 financial year there were a total of 18 staff separations. In the 2011-12 financial year to date there have been 3 staff separations.

(4) The normal roster is in place for the Christmas/New Year period. Leave has been negotiated to accommodate staff requesting leave. There are no staff shortages.

(5) Duress alarms are issued to all personnel who are based at Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, including health and education staff. A direction has been given that all staff must wear the duress alarm and are not to enter the Centre without one. Improvements to training have included the addition of new modules in the 2011 Induction Program. New modules include Emergency Management, Understanding the Neurobiology of Complex Trauma and Suicide Awareness. In 2011 the training program has incorporated the Certificate IV in Youth Justice.

(6) The perimeter fence has been improved and lighting has been repaired.

(7) Information on modifications to internal security and infrastructure in cabins cannot be provided due to issues of security-in-confidence.

(8) All education, recreation and school holiday programs will be fully operational with a full complement of staff. Programs over the school holiday period will be flexibly designed depending on the make-up of young people in the Centre over this period. The current planned recreational, vocational and skills based school holiday programs during December 2011 and January 2012 include the following:

Softball, Baseball, Tennis, Wii Connect Sports, Crafts and Beading, Cooking, Mixing music, Orienteering, Art – paper Mache masks, Touch Football, Badminton, Table Tennis Tournament, Movie nights, Card and Board Games and a Chess Competition.

The Police Citizen’s Youth Club will be partnering in providing a summer program which will consist of – Eyebox, which is a fitness circuit training and Lifeskills program.

The Church Pastor will be undertaking a bike repair program and the Australian Children Music Foundation will be attending once per week during the school holidays to undertake a music program.

Young people in Bimberi also have access to Kindles and personalised art packs for use in cabins.

Young people in the Transition program within Bimberi Youth Justice Centre will be attending community based programs including a local external touch football competition.

(9) The answer to this question was provided in the answer to questions I took on notice at the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs Annual Report Hearing on 21 November 2011.

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