Page 360 - Week 01 - Thursday, 16 February 2012

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published criteria. As previously stated, the selection criteria are publicly available information. However, for the convenience of members I have tabled the information booklet including the criteria in the Assembly this afternoon.

I must say again, Madam Assistant Speaker, that I am concerned that Mr Hanson’s contribution to the debate is that he believes there should be a greater level of political control exercised over this funding process. I am thankful, however, that some sort of common sense did prevail and in the end, as I announced, all applications in the second round were also assessed by an independent committee, where around $20,000 was allocated.

Round 2 opened on Saturday, 19 November and closed on Friday, 16 December. Again, applicants were encouraged to have a pre-application meeting where all criteria are outlined and explained, in addition to the material that is publicly available. A total of eight applications were received for round 2, with a total request of $79,444. The top three ranked applications were recommended by the assessment panel and $19,944 has been allocated.

The Lu Rees Archives of Australian Children’s Literature received the full amount requested of $7,944 for connecting communities through story. The Tuggeranong Community Arts Association received $6,000 of the $8,000 they requested for the Canberra Ukulele Festival of Fun and the Weston Creek Community Council received $6,000 of the $8,000 they requested for the Weston Creek Festival.

The assessment panel provided the following comments on the reason for the Tuggeranong Community Arts Association and the Weston Creek Community Council receiving less than the amount they requested. Tuggeranong Community Arts Association submitted a sound application to the round requesting an amount of $8,000. Whilst the panel was supportive of the overall concept, they identified some inconsistencies in the submitted budget and therefore recommended funding of $6,000.

The Weston Creek Community Council submitted an application to the round, requesting an amount of $8,000. The panel noted that the application was much improved compared to that submitted in round 1, and I am pleased to inform the Assembly that the Weston Creek Community Council participated in a pre-application meeting to assist them in putting together their second round application.

The panel recognised the value and significance of the event to the Weston Creek community. However, they also noted that the claims against some criteria could have been strengthened, therefore recommending an amount of $6,000.

I congratulate the successful applicants for the second round of the 2012 ACT festival fund and look forward to working with the wide range of community groups who have been supported through this funding round in supporting their events in the future.

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