Page 358 - Week 01 - Thursday, 16 February 2012

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instrument’s direction and a statement of reasons must be tabled in the Assembly within three sitting days after it is given. Section 14 of the act allows for the transfer of funds between appropriations, as endorsed by the Treasurer and another minister.

The first instrument transfers $2.1 million of controlled capital injection to government payment for outputs for the Economic Development Directorate for the construction of a multi-use community facility in Tuggeranong. The second instrument transfers $450,000 of controlled capital injection appropriation from the Economic Development Directorate to the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate for the Gold Creek homestead stabilisation project. The third instrument transfers $150,000 in net cost of outputs from the Community Services Directorate to Housing ACT to improve fire prevention measures in public housing and Disability ACT group homes.

Section 16 subsections (1) and (2) of the act allow the Treasurer to authorise the transfer of appropriation for a service or a function to another entity following a change in responsibility for that service or function. This package includes one instrument authorised under section 16. This instrument facilitates the transfer of $3.8 million of controlled capital injection and $1.043 million in net cost of outputs appropriation from the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate to the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate for the transfer of transport planning and support for the Conservator of Flora and Fauna functions, $702,000 in net cost of outputs appropriation from the Economic Development Directorate to the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate for the transfer of government accommodation and property services, and $19,000 in net cost of outputs appropriation for the transfer of sport and recreation from the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate to the Economic Development Directorate.

Section 16B of the Financial Management Act 1996, rollover of undisbursed appropriation, allows for appropriations to be preserved from one financial year to the next. This package includes two instruments authorised under section 16B of the act. The appropriations being rolled over were not spent during the 2010-11 fiscal year and are required in the 2011-12 fiscal year for the completion of the projects.

The first instrument authorises the rollover of $1.298 million in expenses on behalf of the territory appropriation for the superannuation provision account to enable funds to be used for any residual Totalcare settlements and for the balance thereafter to be transferred to the ACT superannuation trust account; the rollover of $630,000 in nest cost of outputs appropriation for the Canberra Institute of Technology, representing commonwealth funding for the national partnership-TAFE fee waivers for childcare qualifications; the rollover of $116,000 in capital injection appropriation for the Shared Services Centre, for the safeguarding government business: reducing the risk of communication blackouts project; and the rollover of $28,000 in controlled capital injection appropriation for the Legal Aid Commission for the new directions program phase 2.

The second instrument authorises a total of $12.830 million in rollovers for the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, comprising $4.43 million for net cost of outputs, $720,000 for payments on behalf of the territory and $7.68 million

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