Page 157 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 15 February 2012

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Mr Hanson interjecting—

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Stop the clock please, Clerk. Resume your seat for a moment, Ms Gallagher. Ms Gallagher is attempting to explain the process. Unfortunately, because you are not listening, obviously you are not understanding it. It seems to me that she cannot get her voice heard, and that is why we are having this difficulty. That is what it appears to me. So I would like you to just listen to Ms Gallagher’s explanation, please, in silence, so that we can all understand what she is saying. I am having difficulty hearing. Ms Gallagher.

MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. The growth funding for the 2014-15 year will be allocated, as it has been done for the last five or so years, or six years, in the 2014-15 budget, as we have done with all of the new services that come on, as we did with obstetrics, for example, where we increased funding to that. That was allocated in that financial year.

In terms of clarifying the status of the TCH walk-in centre, I think I did cover that in my speech. The decisions around the TCH walk-in centre are yet to be taken. There are differing views about what needs to happen. At some point it will have to move from where it is now because it is part of the hospital redevelopment site, but there are other options, if we are to keep one in the Woden valley, of where that could be located. Those decisions are yet to be taken.

In relation to my comments about the growth funding meeting, I have no problem with people not showing up to meetings at all. I have no problem with family circumstances. What I do have a problem with is the fact that I had no notice about that at all and the fact that I tied up—

Mr Smyth: That is not true.

MS GALLAGHER: No, no notice.

Mr Smyth: That is not true.

MS GALLAGHER: No, it is true.

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Ms Gallagher and Mr Smyth, please do not carry on a conversation.

Mr Smyth: So you are now in denial?

MS GALLAGHER: No, I am not. I have no problem with family circumstance. I do have a problem with tying up the head of Health, the head of finance and me in a meeting which did not really progress any issues, as far as I can see. It looks like we will need to reschedule the meeting, which I am very happy to do, to talk Mr Hanson through the basics of how growth funding is allocated across the forward estimates. And that is the problem I have. A phone call a quarter of an hour before could have solved a whole lot—

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