Page 6105 - Week 14 - Thursday, 8 December 2011

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Oakey Hill nature park—fuel reduction burn
(Question No 1964)

Mr Rattenbury asked the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, upon notice, on 8 December 2011 (redirected to the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services):

(1) In relation to the recent fuel reduction burning at Oakey Hill Nature Park, has any evaluation been undertaken of this burn to assess its impact on fuel loads and the environmental values of the reserve.

(2) Has any assessment been undertaken of the impact of the burn on populations of Allocasuarina verticillata present in the reserve.

(3) Can the Minister confirm observations that a significant number of specimens appeared to have been killed by the burn.

Ms Gallagher: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. Yes a post burn assessment was undertaken at Oakey Hill.

2. Yes. The impact of the burn on environmental values was considered and ecological advice was sought from the Conservation Planning and Research Unit of the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate.

The Allocasuarina verticillata and other natural assets required ecological considerations. The burn area was located in an outer asset protection zone and the burn was executed in a manner that ensured the minimum impact on ecological resources while meeting the required targets of hazard reduction as dictated by the Strategic Bushfire Management Plan version 2.

3. Allocasuarina verticillata is fire tolerant. Observations post-burn are that more than 90% of the individual trees scorched by the hazard reduction burn are already showing signs of recovery through re-sprouting. Of those not yet showing signs of recovery, it is possible that some of the scorched trees may not recover. However, this cannot be confirmed at this time.

Transport—rail freight services
(Question No 1969)

Ms Bresnan asked the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, upon notice, on 8 December 2011 (redirected to the Acting Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development):

(1) Can the Minister provide an update on the development of a rail precinct in the Kingston/Fyshwick area, including (a) what sites are being considered, and has a site been decided upon, (b) what is the timeline for the decision, and the development of the precinct, (c) what is the reason for the delay in making a decision on the location of the rail precinct, (d) what facilities will be included in the rail precinct and (e) will any of the businesses or the facilities at the existing rail yards be relocated; if so, what are the relocation plans.

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