Page 6092 - Week 14 - Thursday, 8 December 2011

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(1) There has been a steady increase in the number of families accessing the service:











(2) There is likely to be an increase in the number of families accessing the Child and Family Centre as a result of:

a. The opening of West Belconnen Child and Family Centre and the proximity of the Centre to the population of Belconnen; and

b. The continuing growth in population of the Gungahlin Region.

(3) The average cost per service since 2008/09 is $8.39. There is no anticipated change to this average cost over the current budget cycle.

(Question No 1937)

Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Community Services, upon notice, on 7 December 2011:

(1) In relation to the 2010-11 annual report of the Community Services Directorate, Output 2.2 – Children’s Services, p 51, what has been the trend in adoption applications received by the Directorate over the past few years.

(2) What has been the trend in adoption placements over the past few years.

(3) If there are differences between the trends referred to in parts (1) and (2), why.

(4) What has been the trend over the past few years in those adoption placements coming from overseas.

(5) How long does it take, on average, between adoption application and placement, of both local and overseas children, and what are the factors that contribute to that time factor.

Ms Burch: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) & (2) There has been a decline in the number of adoption applicants, most particularly for those applicants wishing to adopt children from overseas.

Currently there are 27 applicant files waiting for a placement proposal for an overseas born child.

For local adoptions the number of new applications and placements has been small for a number of years due to recognition by the broader community of the very small number of infants, whose parents make a plan of adoption for their care. On average there is one adoption placement per year.

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