Page 6018 - Week 14 - Thursday, 8 December 2011

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I thought of possibly censuring Mrs Dunne for overlooking the local economy and shopping online for cheaper foreign furniture, and I thought that Mr Smyth might even support that as it was not diversifying the local economy.

I thought about Ms Porter and maybe the number of filing cabinets.

Ms Burch had an absolutely wonderful question brooch—was that a brooch? I thought it was probably a magnet, and I am sure there is a standing order against wearing magnets. But it did work very well for you, I have to say, Ms Burch, in terms of questions.

Then I thought I had better look at what Greens I could censure. Mr Rattenbury was the Greens’ favourite for a censure motion. I said it was because he had just shaved off his mo, but I am afraid my colleagues said it was because he had a mo in the first place.

When there were so many options, I thought back to my original purpose: I want to get re-elected. So I went to the Greens party room and I said, “Please could I have a censure motion against me? Could we all agree with that?” Mr Rattenbury, of course, has already had one. They graciously agreed, so I give notice that at the next sitting I will move a censure motion against myself for wilful and persistent failure to make an interjection in the Assembly.

I would also like to thank all the Assembly staff—the attendants, the secretariat and in particular Dr Cullen, who is the PAC secretary, and my staff.

Members: Hear, hear!

MS LE COUTEUR: Yes; hear, hear! She is a very hardworking woman. And I thank Indra, Logan and Jacquie. Thank you all, and a happy Christmas.


MR SMYTH (Brindabella) (5.57): It is quite possible to suspend standing orders now, censure Ms Le Couteur and give her her Christmas wish early if she wants. I am quite happy to stay. Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to have some Christmas cheer. Again, I would like to start with the Liberal Party staff. Thank you for all that you do, the way that you work and the way that you work together.

I have been here some 13 years now and under Mr Seselja’s leadership I think the solidarity of the teamwork, the effort and the output are just fantastic. You are all to be congratulated. Contrary to public opinion—I know people will be shocked—the politicians do not do all the work. We cannot do without the staff. Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy your break and your time with your families.

To the party, I would like to say thank you very much, particularly to Tio the president and the staff of the division. Parties are important and ours is working very, very well under Tio’s leadership. I say particularly to the staff of the division, the

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