Page 6000 - Week 14 - Thursday, 8 December 2011

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scale solar but he proposed the development of large-scale solar during the last election campaign. He wants cost-efficient abatement but he criticises that very aspect of the most cost-efficient abatement in action plan 2. Madam Assistant Speaker, he is a hypocrite.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mrs Dunne): Withdraw that comment.

MR CORBELL: I withdraw the comment, Madam Assistant Speaker.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Corbell, sit down. Mr Corbell, twice in the last 10 minutes or so you have been required to withdraw the word “hypocrite”. You are too experienced a member of this house not to know that what you have done is unparliamentary, and I warn you not to do it again.

MR CORBELL: Thank you, Madam Assistant Speaker. The policy position simply cannot be sustained. There are so many contradictions within it that Mr Seselja is rapidly going to have to tie himself into knots to try and justify his contradictory policy positions. He will soon be exposed for the fundamental failings in his policy position. Support large-scale solar—oppose it. Oppose 40 per cent—support 30 per cent. Oppose one cost-efficient abatement—oppose those elements that deliver cost-efficient abatement. He cannot have it every way. That is what he is trying to do. He has no serious commitment to climate change. He has no serious policies on climate change. He has no detailed analysis to back up his policies on climate change, and his policy bankruptcy is exposed for all to see.

MR SESELJA (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (4.56): Madam Assistant Speaker—

Mr Corbell: Mr Seselja will need leave to speak.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Seselja does not need leave; he can speak twice on amendments.

Mr Corbell: I stand corrected.

MR SESELJA: Surely someone with your experience would know that, Mr Corbell. Mr Corbell was getting very hot under the collar there. It happens often when his argument is unravelling. Maybe he could not quite see how it was unravelling, but often when his argument is unravelling he has to hurl abuse, which is why you had to call him to order, and quite rightly so, Madam Assistant Speaker. Mr Corbell often says to me that he wants respect. He is big on demanding respect. But you have got to earn that. When you put forward arguments that are so nonsensical, they should be held to account.

Mr Corbell just said: “You said you support large scale solar, and now you don’t.” His evidence for this? “You’re not supporting my bill.” Let us unpack that for a moment. I will just take Mr Corbell back to my speech when I said that his idea is: “We must do something. This is something; therefore, we must do this.” He said, “If you don’t support this piece of legislation, you don’t support solar.” That is ridiculous because

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