Page 5411 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 November 2011
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That is exactly what I should have done as a minister when I found that my answer was in error. That is what I have done.
Mr Seselja interjecting—
MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, please be quiet.
MR CORBELL: I have to reiterate that before sending this letter to the Canberra Times I asked my directorate to confirm that it was factually accurate, which they did. Clearly that is an error that has been made.
Secondly, on 1 November Mr Coe made the allegation that I misled the Assembly committee during the annual reports hearing. I will draw to the Assembly’s attention what occurred during that exchange. In particular, I will draw to the Assembly’s attention the quote that Mr Coe did not read. The exchange was as follows:
MR COE: So your letter in the Canberra Times just a few days ago where you said that last financial year the government paid an additional $150,000 to the RSPCA over and above the funding agreement—
Mr Corbell: We did.
MR COE: And that was cash?
Mr Corbell: Yes.
MR COE: An extra $150,000. How much was the total amount of cash given to the RSPCA last financial year?
At that point, Ms Steward answered:
The original budget allocation was $420,000. At the request of the RSPCA for additional funds, an additional amount of $150,000 was approved by the government, and this was paid. I cannot give you the exact date, but it was certainly paid in the last financial year. That was cash.
Mr Coe went on:
You are saying that $570,000 cash was given to the RSPCA in 2010-11?
Ms Steward said:
The 2010-11 financial year, yes.
This highlights that the advice I gave to the Assembly committee was consistent with the advice that my officials were providing to me and which they themselves provided to the committee. It is not unreasonable for a minister to rely on the factual advice provided to him by his directorate, and that is what I did.
Mr Coe: She said it after you, Simon.
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