Page 5368 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 November 2011

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for Police and Emergency Services) (11.39): I thank Ms Porter for bringing this important motion forward to the Assembly this morning. I take the opportunity to again congratulate ACT Policing on achieving its best operational result in the eight years since the time policing arrangements have been in place with the purchase agreement.

ACT Policing has fought hard against property crime, especially in this last year. Its aggressive crime targeting strategy has included a dedicated volume crime targeting team, a revitalised intelligence collection and analysis effort against volume property crime, targeting known recidivist offenders and enforcing bail conditions on known property crime offenders.

This has been an approach which has achieved significant success. When compared to 2009-10, motor vehicle theft offences have declined by 37.3 per cent. This translates to 1,670 fewer motor vehicles being stolen in 2010-11 compared to the previous year. It equates to 5,147 offences in the 12 months to June 2010, reducing to just under 3½ thousand offences in the 12 months to June 2011. It is a fantastic result and, given that the ACT has previously seen higher than average rates of motor vehicle theft, a very important one.

Burglary offences have declined by 32.7 per cent. This translates to 776 fewer offences in 2010-11 compared to 2009-10. In real numbers, this means 2,080 offences in the 12 months to June 2010 reduced to 1,304 offences in the 12 months to June 2011. For Canberrans, that means 700 fewer homes burgled and businesses burgled during that period.

Property damage offences declined by 21.8 per cent. This translates to 2,003 fewer property damage offences in 2011 compared to the previous financial year. Once again, the 9,328 offences in the 12 months to June 2010 went down to 7,325 offences in the 12 months to June 2011. Property damage is one of the most annoying and most upsetting of crimes. The vandalism and damage to businesses, to personal property, to private residences, remains a concern for many Canberrans, but to see 2,000 fewer offences being committed in this area is a great result and a significant improvement in overall community safety.

Other theft offences declined by 22.1 per cent. This translates to 3,125 fewer offences in 2010-11 compared to 2009-10. It translates to 14,124 offences in the 12 months to June 2010, reducing to 10,999 offences in the 12 months to June 2011. It is a very important achievement in relation to reducing the level of theft in our community overall: 3,125 fewer thefts in our community because of the dedicated and persistent work of ACT Policing.

ACT Policing’s multi-pronged approach has continued to produce a strong downward trend in crime. Later this sitting week I will be presenting further downward trends in property crime in the ACT criminal justice statistical profile. These year-on-year results include crime reductions of over 40 per cent for burglary and motor vehicle theft. The Labor government is very pleased to be providing the support needed to ACT Policing for them to deliver this 40 per cent reduction in burglary and motor vehicle theft.

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