Page 5240 - Week 12 - Thursday, 27 October 2011

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(1) When did the “Live in Canberra” campaign commence.

(2) Has the campaign been reviewed since it commenced, and if so, what was the nature of those reviews and when were they undertaken.

(3) What have been the findings of any reviews and are the findings publically available.

(4) What indicators is the government using to measure the success of the campaign.

(5) Is the Government able to indicate how many people have moved to Canberra as a result of the campaign, with a breakdown of both those in targeted professions and those who accompany them.

(6) What has been the annual expenditure on the campaign so far for all the years of operation.

(7) What events has “Live in Canberra” had a presence at to promote coming to the ACT, and when and where were the events held.

(8) What events has “Live in Canberra” held to promote coming to the ACT, and when and where were the events held.

(9) Has the ACT Government run targeted programs to attract particular professions to the ACT under the auspices of “Live in Canberra”, and if so, what are those programs and which countries have they been conducted in.

(10) Does the Government have any information about how long people stay in Canberra after relocating to Canberra as a result of the “Live in Canberra” campaign.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) April 2006.

(2) Yes.

a. Evaluation of the pilot campaign was conducted in 2006 by Market Attitude Research Service (MARS), National Centre for Social and Economic Research, University of Canberra (NATSEM), Candle ICT Recruitment Agency, Grey Worldwide and the Chief Minister’s Department Communications Unit.

b. In January 2009 Premium Placements was commissioned to review the activities of the Live in Canberra Program in light of the ‘Global Financial Crisis’.

c. In October 2009 an online survey of 688 new residents (families and individuals) was undertaken. These people had completed 12 month membership of the ‘Welcome to Canberra’ events program.

d. Surveys of new residents who have completed 12 month membership of the ‘Welcome to Canberra’ events are ongoing.

(3) Review findings have been positive and are available to anyone on request.

(4) Indicators used to measure success are immigration statistics; inter-state migration statistics; ACT population data; applications and approvals for ACT Government

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