Page 4652 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 19 October 2011

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The reasons for this are obvious: the development of higher density housing often involves redevelopment proposals. Redevelopment proposals attract greater levels of community concern, interest and objection, and these processes have to be managed through what are often lengthy planning appeal processes. So I would have thought that those matters are self-evident.

That said, the government believe the 50-50 split is a reasonable one and, indeed, an appropriate one if we are to take better advantage of existing infrastructure capacity, if we are to create more liveable and more sustainable environments and if we are to create opportunities for more people to live closer to where they work, to where they play, to where they are able to shop and to enjoy other urban amenities. So that is why we believe it is an appropriate target.

In relation to the second part of Ms Le Couteur’s question, while obviously the delivery of the built housing stock will need to meet relevant standards in terms of energy efficiency in particular, in terms of tackling greenhouse gas emissions, the territory has legislated to mandate certain levels of performance in relation to the built environment for both single dwellings and, in the future, for multi-unit dwellings as part of nationally agreed reforms.

We are also pursuing a range of other measures which will contribute towards the achievement of that target, such as the mandated energy efficiency obligations on the part of electricity retailers, which the Chief Minister has foreshadowed in the spring legislation program as a piece of legislation the government will shortly be bringing forward.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Le Couteur, a supplementary question.

MS LE COUTEUR: Minister, when can we expect to see the regulations for remissions of the lease variation charge which would support the draft planning strategy’s proposal to densify around town and group centres and along transport corridors?

MR CORBELL: Considerable work is occurring in relation to those matters currently. Those regulations are matters that I and the Treasurer are discussing right now and we would expect to make announcements in due course. Certainly I would expect that later this year and into early next year would be the sort of time frame we are looking at in relation to those matters

MS BRESNAN: A supplementary.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Ms Bresnan.

MS BRESNAN: Minister, given the long-lasting legacy of the outcomes of this planning strategy, are you considering community feedback urging an extension of the community consultation period until next year?

MR CORBELL: I am aware of a request from one organisation in relation to that matter, and it is something I am continuing to consider. I think it is worth making the

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