Page 4646 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 19 October 2011

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MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Porter, you have the floor.

MS PORTER: Can you tell the Assembly some of the steps you have taken recently to enable greater participation by Canberrans in the working of government?

MS GALLAGHER: I can. I do not actually know what is so funny about two questions of similar nature being asked considering that you six pretty much ask the same question every time you walk into question time. I am not entirely sure why it is so funny when this is your question time strategy—six questions to the same minister on the same subject.

MR SPEAKER: Chief Minister, the question, thank you.

MS GALLAGHER: Indeed, Mr Smyth, yesterday, reading Mrs Dunne’s question out, was almost to completion before he realised.

MR SPEAKER: Chief Minister, the question.


Members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order, members!

MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Mr Speaker. It gives me great pleasure to talk again on open government. I enjoy it enormously and I have talked about it since becoming Chief Minister. It is important that I update the Assembly on the steps that we have taken and continue to take towards greater openness and transparency in government. As members would know, we have the most open legislative framework for access to cabinet documents of any state or territory in the country.

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Mr Hanson!

MS GALLAGHER: Indeed, we have them made available after 10 years, which is unlike the standard 20 years in the commonwealth.

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Ms Gallagher, one moment, thank you. Stop the clocks. Mr Hanson, I have now asked you a number of times. You are warned for repeated interjections. Ms Gallagher, you have the floor.

MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Mr Speaker. We also have a very proactive approach to communicating government information through initiatives such as the ACT government notice board and our community cabinet meetings. Of course, the second Twitter cabinet was very successful, and that is another new way of engaging with the community.

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