Page 4395 - Week 10 - Thursday, 22 September 2011

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information and relevant criminal offences such as section 153 of the Crimes Act and section 420 of the Criminal Code.

As you can see, Mr Speaker, the information protection principles are comprehensive and detailed and they are designed to ensure that data collected by point-to-point cameras is used responsibly and only for the purposes specified under the law.

MR SPEAKER: Members, before we proceed, it appears that there may be two versions of the government’s amendments circulating. To my understanding, the version circulated in the chamber this morning by Mr Barr only has one amendment, but I also have a set from the attorney that has a number of amendments. Based on the lack of commentary from the floor, I suspect that all members are proceeding on the multiple grouping. If the Assembly is agreeable, I will simply have the attorney sign the version we seem to be working from and resubmit those to the Assembly. Is the Assembly agreeable to that approach?

Mr Corbell: Yes.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, members.

Mrs Dunne: So long as it’s the same one we’re working from.

MR SPEAKER: Shall I arrange to have that set circulated as well for the confidence of members?

Mr Corbell: Yes.

MR SPEAKER: We will pause for a moment while Mr Corbell checks this document. Members, it seems the version that was missed was double-sided and a page has been left out. Essentially page 2 is missing, as is page 4, so we will just sort this out.

Members, we will proceed with the debate. While Ms Bresnan is speaking to her amendments, we will arrange for a revised set to be circulated. Ms Bresnan, you have the floor.

MS BRESNAN (Brindabella) (6.09), by leave: I move amendments Nos 2 and 3 circulated in my name on the green sheet which amend Mr Corbell’s amendment No 2 [see schedule 5 at page 4415]. The Greens are supportive of the government’s amendment, but we have one further amendment to add, which I will note in a moment.

The government’s proposed new sections 29 and 29A address concerns held by the Greens and the human rights commissioner. I thank the government for agreeing to bring forward these amendments. These new sections ensure that the images captured by point-to-point cameras are protected with appropriate restrictions and safeguards. This covers the use, retention and disclosure of images.

In the context of this amendment, I want to emphasise that the Greens are aware of the issues associated with the development of surveillance in our society. We take a

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