Page 4327 - Week 10 - Thursday, 22 September 2011

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staff were used, and I have been asking questions since then. I will draw to attention that it was within a matter of weeks, by I think 9 or 10 August, that all children were in approved circumstances, and I have continued to ask questions. I met with the provider a week ago on Friday and it was within a matter of days after that that I finalised my decision to refer the matter to the Public Advocate through the director-general.

MR SMYTH: A supplementary, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, why aren’t you prepared to table the briefings that you received in the Assembly other than that you are afraid that they will embarrass you?

MS BURCH: I am not afraid that they will embarrass me, but I refer Mr Smyth to my answer to Mrs Dunne’s question.

Energy—feed-in tariff

MR COE: My question is to the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development and is in relation to the contracts with ACT schools that enable them to access the higher rate of the solar feed-in tariff. Minister, an email from the Executive Director, Corporate, of the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate of June 1 states that the requirements to be eligible are: “One, contracts must have been entered into before midnight of 31 May 2011; two, a deposit under that contract must have been paid; three, a statutory declaration to that effect can be provided and lodged along with the grid connection application.”

Minister, will you guarantee the Assembly that these requirements were met by all ACT schools who will access the higher tariff rate? If yes, will you table those contracts? If not, why not?

MR CORBELL: I am advised that all those requirements were met. No special arrangements were entered into to allow schools to access the feed-in tariff at the original rate. They met the criteria in the same way that everyone else who had a contract met the criteria. In relation to the contracts themselves, I refer Mr Coe to my previous answer on that question.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Coe, a supplementary.

MR COE: Minister, were any variations to the above conditions used to allow ACT schools to access the higher tariff rate?


MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, a supplementary.

MR SESELJA: Minister, were variations to the stated conditions offered to any other users to allow them to access the higher tariff rate?

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