Page 4196 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 21 September 2011
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MR HARGREAVES: I am, Mr Speaker, but I am minded to wonder if any member knows the telephone number of the deafness centre. I was going to entreat the chamber to stop this childish behaviour—just stop it. We have to be even-handed about this. Mr Hanson cannot deny the minister leave yesterday to address the estimates report and then stand up in this chamber today and seek leave to address the same report. That is inconsistent. I would ask, in fact, for the suspension of standing orders not to be agreed to at this time, for people to reflect on it over the next 24 hours and come back tomorrow, and just grow up.
MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Leader, ACT Greens) (3.15): I would like to echo the remarks made by Mr Hargreaves. There have been some ridiculous carry-ons in this chamber in the last 24 hours or so. I think that he is on to something when he speaks about Mr Hanson wanting to address the estimates report when it was something he denied the minister from speaking on yesterday. I also believe that there needs to be a bit of a reflection about how people are approaching the whole issue of granting leave and, really, if people want to speak to something or raise a matter, that there is some sort of warning so that we know what is going on, so there is some courtesy by raising it beforehand.
There is an issue about the unlimited time. Although Mr Hanson assures us it will be 20 seconds, I am pretty sure that it will be longer than 20 seconds. There is an issue around there being some pretty poor behaviour in this chamber and there needs to be some reflection. I certainly hope this is an issue that is taken up through admin and procedures, or certainly taken up in discussion by the whips, and we can move beyond this ridiculous behaviour. Therefore, we will not be supporting the seeking of leave.
Mr Corbell interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Smyth has the floor. Mr Corbell!
MR SMYTH (Brindabella) (3.16): Well, he comes to listen, does Mr Corbell. You think there is one rule for you and one rule for everybody else. Indeed, Mr Corbell tabled the paper yesterday and, of course, it was not on the notice paper. If we want to talk about courtesy and informing—
Mr Corbell interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Mr Corbell, thank you. Mr Smyth has the floor.
MR SMYTH: It is normal practice to provide the complete list to avoid the sneakiness that you resort to so often, minister. I refer members to page 486 of House of Representatives Practice—
Mr Corbell: On a point of order, Mr Speaker—
MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, one moment, thank you. Yes, Mr Corbell.
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