Page 3509 - Week 08 - Thursday, 18 August 2011

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MR HARGREAVES: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. Minister, does the report to which Ms Hunter referred recognise that the Bimberi facility is four times larger than the Quamby facility? Does it recognise the youth of that facility, and does it recognise that a zero-based budgeting approach must be implemented?

MS BURCH: Certainly those elements are part of the advice contained within the Human Rights Commission’s report. Bimberi is four times the size of Quamby. It has additional facilities that have certainly come as a result of the review and the look at Quamby when it was far less than an adequate process and facility. We have swimming pools, decent sports facilities, educational facilities, training facilities, woodwork, metalwork, kitchen—a whole range of facilities—that have been built in place to ensure that those young folk that find themselves in Bimberi have at their fingertips good programming to find a very restorative and beneficial environment.


MS LE COUTEUR: My question is to the minister for planning and concerns the Brumbies’ plans for Griffith, lease variations and draft variations to the territory plan. The current draft variation 307 to the territory plan proposes changing the zoning of the Brumbies site on Austin Street in Griffith. There is also out a lease variation for the same site, 18 Austin Street Griffith. How is it possible that there are two contradictory planning processes at the same time on the same site?

MR CORBELL: I do not think there are. The fact is that a leaseholder can make application to vary their lease, consistent with the current provisions of the territory plan. Concurrently with that—which I understand is what has occurred in relation to the site in Griffith—and further to that, of course, the territory is considering a request to potentially vary the territory plan at that location. No decision has been made in relation to the variation to the territory plan at this time, and that matter is currently with me for consideration.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Le Couteur, a supplementary question?

MS LE COUTEUR: Yes, Mr Speaker. Minister, how can the public identify what the actual proposal for the Brumbies site is, or in fact any other site with a lease variation, when the lease variation notice is almost content free?

MR CORBELL: A lease variation, as Ms Le Couteur should be aware, does not involve details of a particular development because it is not an application for development; it is an application to vary the lease terms.

MS BRESNAN: A supplementary?

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Ms Bresnan.

MS BRESNAN: Minister, given that the Griffith draft variation is No 307 and the inner north draft variation is No 310, what are draft variations 308 and 309?

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