Page 3457 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 17 August 2011

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MS BRESNAN: In relation to the way today has been conducted—

Mr Seselja interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, you are on a warning.

MS BRESNAN: It is absolutely outrageous for Mr Seselja to get up and talk about the behaviour of members of the Assembly and the way business is being conducted today. The whips have a discussion every Wednesday about how the Wednesday is to proceed. We typically have a discussion at around 4.30 as to whether or not we are going to sit late. In fact, it was Mr Hanson, the Liberal Party whip, who proposed that we finish at seven. He proposed that. He came to me and I said to him, “Are you going to go and talk to the Labor Party about that?” and he said, “Yes, I will go and do that.” I believe there was a discussion then with Ms Gallagher about that. We are always prepared to sit late on Wednesday, which is why we actually proposed that Wednesday be a late sitting.

It was Mr Hanson that put forward the proposal. In terms of how today’s debate has been conducted and how we got to this point, we spent nearly two hours speaking on Mr Coe’s motion. Every member of the Liberal Party got up and spoke about that. Two of the Greens got up and spoke, but we did not use our full time. We also had the episode yesterday, obviously, with the vote of no confidence, which took up two hours. We did not get to debate any bills. When we are talking about the way this Assembly is conducted, it is absolutely outrageous for Mr Seselja to get up and cast aspersions on other members when the situation we have got ourselves into today is a direct result of the behaviour of the Liberal Party. You need to consider that.

We have had a very good working relationship with the whips. There has been agreement when we have finished at seven where, I think, the Liberals have had the last item of business. So we have wrapped up for the day so you could get through your items of business. There has been a general agreement that we would conduct it in that way. Unfortunately, it has broken down severely today. I think it is a great shame because it has been working very well for the most part in this Assembly. It is a shame that that has happened. It is very disappointing. Also, it is very disappointing that Mr Seselja has got up and made these claims about the slot because that is not what happened in administration and procedures.

Housing—waiting list

Master Builders Association awards

MS BURCH (Brindabella—Minister for Community Services, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Women and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs) (7.37): I want to take the opportunity to correct the record in respect of an answer I provided to Ms Bresnan on the priority waiting list this morning. There is a cap of 150 and I do apologise for that. I was referring to verbal advice that officers from the department had provided to me.

There is a nominal cap. It has been exceeded twice since it has been in place. It was 153 in April and 152 in June. Traditionally, it has certainly been under 150 and

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