Page 2799 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 June 2011

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VISACT do. In estimates he said that it was not an organisation known to his department. Hopefully this plan will make their path easier.

Similarly, with strategic initiative l.7, improving access to sport and recreation programs and facilities, transport and parking issues were highlighted during estimates, particularly in respect of Manuka Oval, and are subject to a committee recommendation. A number of other initiatives are already well on the way to achieving support from this government, but there are many others in which there is much room for improvement.

Strategic priority 7, maximising supporting infrastructure, is certainly on the agenda for ACTSport. In their 2011-12 budget submission they suggested that “the ACT government does not have an action plan for new sporting facilities along with policies for their ongoing management and maintenance”. They suggested that “much of Canberra’s community sport and active recreation infrastructure is ageing and will require refurbishment or replacement over the next 10 to 20 years”.

I do not doubt the sincerity and capability of the plan, but I have great reservations about the sincerity and capability of this minister to deliver it. I think it is important that we put some rigour around this motion. On that basis, I move the amendments circulated in my name.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Doszpot, it is not possible for you to move them at this point because they relate to the substantive motion and we have to deal with Mr Rattenbury’s amendment first. When we have dealt with Mr Rattenbury’s amendment, that is the time for you to seek leave of the Assembly to officially move the amendments in your name.

MR DOSZPOT: Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: I will give you the call as soon as we have dealt with that.

MR DOSZPOT: Thank you.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Also, Mr Doszpot, you have a number of amendments. You would need to seek the Assembly’s leave to move them together, unless you want them dealt with one at a time. So you can consider that during this time.

MR DOSZPOT: Certainly, thank you.

MR BARR (Molonglo—Deputy Chief Minister, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Education and Training and Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation) (11.54): In speaking to Mr Rattenbury’s amendment and to Ms Porter’s original motion, I would like to acknowledge Ms Porter’s very real and ongoing interest in this matter. She has certainly been a driving force within the government to ensure that this strategy was delivered, and to ensure that there was considerable engagement with the volunteering community in particular who, as she indicated in

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