Page 2642 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 June 2011

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MS HUNTER: What steps are being taken to ensure social amenity for Tharwa considering the Tharwa fair was run by the preschool for decades and is not operating, for the first time, this year?

MR BARR: That is a matter outside my portfolio responsibilities.

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate

MR SMYTH: My question is to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Territory and Municipal Services. Minister, the ACT government has a fire management unit located within the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate. Minister, what are the role and functions of the fire management unit?

MR CORBELL: I thank Mr Smyth for the question. In broad terms, the fire management unit is responsible for coordinating the directorate’s activities in relation to fire management as set out in the bushfire operational plan for Territory and Municipal Services.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, a supplementary?

MR SMYTH: Minister, how do the activities of the fire management unit relate to the activities of the Emergency Services Agency?

MR CORBELL: The Emergency Services Agency is the government’s primary response agency when it comes to emergencies in the territory. The fire management unit’s responsibilities are those that I have outlined.

MR SPEAKER: Supplementary, Mr Seselja?

MR SESELJA: Thank you. Minister, are any changes being proposed to the fire management unit?

MR CORBELL: The title “fire management unit” is being changed, but the functions remain unchanged.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, a supplementary?

MR SESELJA: Minister, are any transfer of positions currently located in this unit or functions performed by this unit being considered and, if so, what will these transfers involve?

MR CORBELL: I understand that one position has changed substantially, and that is the role of the manager of the fire management unit. Discussions are ongoing with that individual in relation to their future engagement with the territory. Apart from that, the functions of the fire management unit remain unchanged.

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