Page 2580 - Week 06 - Thursday, 23 June 2011

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Since 2009, the taxi industry has embarked on a road safety strategy to reduce the incidence of crashes among its members. Despite the weather in 2010, overall claims have reduced, albeit modestly.

(7) According to NRMA, no CTP claims were made for catastrophic injuries in relation to motor crashes involving taxis.

(8) Not applicable, see answer to question (7).

Government—Hawke Review
(Question No 1626)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Chief Minister, upon notice, on 7 April 2011:

In relation to the fundamental reasons for the Government restructuring following the Hawke Review and given that (a) in his report, Dr Hawke stated that the current arrangements in relation to land and planning are, at best, hindering if not actively obstructing and frustrating achievement of the Government’s priorities and (b) in a question without notice the Minister identified land release as one area where the current administrative arrangements caused issues, can the Minister (i) list other areas where the current arrangements are frustrating achievement of government priorities and (ii) state how the proposed changes will aid the achievement of the governments priorities.

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(i) As stated in the Assembly on 31 March 2011, the context was not land release as you state, it related to the more complex policy area of housing affordability. The Government undertook the Hawke Review as it was seeking greater coordination to deliver on government priorities particularly in areas which crossed traditional agency parameters, such as sustainability, housing affordability and transport. It was believed then, as it is now that the fragmentation of the ACTPS was not the most effective way to deliver services to the community.

(ii) The move to a ‘one government' model, led by a new ACT Public Service Strategic Board, chaired by the Head of the Service and comprising all other Directors-General will ensure greater coordination and alignment of effort on delivering the Government’s priorities.

A number of initiatives funded in the 2011-12 Budget seek to support a more effective One ACTPS, these include:

a scoping study on Government 2.0;

a new Government Information Office (GIO);

the implementation of a single Performance and Accountability Framework to be used across all directorates;

to enhance, build and maintain ACTPS capacity and capability, with a focus on increasing the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with a disability;

the development of the next Canberra Plan, due for release in 2013 with improved on-line capability through the ‘Measuring our Progress’ website; and

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