Page 2415 - Week 06 - Thursday, 23 June 2011

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MS GALLAGHER: Oh, yes; go on! I love it when all six of you start shouting. That is when you really know that you have picked the mark. All six—

MR SPEAKER: Chief Minister, thank you.

MS GALLAGHER: I have not got Mr Doszpot or Mrs Dunne going yet.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Are there any supplementary questions?

Ms Gallagher: I have not quite peaked. I have not peaked.

Opposition members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order! Members, this has been an unfortunate question time. Let’s see if we can lift the standard for the last 10 minutes.

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth! Mr Seselja, do you have a supplementary question?

Members interjecting—

MR SESELJA: Thank you. Minister, is it acceptable for a minister to make one decision in the cabinet room but make contrary statements at party functions when directed by factional bosses?

MS GALLAGHER: I love the Liberal Party’s obsession with all the things that happen in the Labor Party through our own democratic processes. I have always maintained solidarity with my cabinet colleagues and I will always do so. It is an important and fundamental part of how government operates and works and it is an important principle that I certainly hold very dear. I think there are ways in which we can improve processes into the future, about how we bring the community into cabinet processes earlier and bring them into our confidence and share their expertise with us when we are discussing difficult issues. But certainly cabinet solidarity is a fundamental principle of this government and it is one that we have always followed.

Planning—community space

MR SPEAKER: Mr Hargreaves, a question without notice.

MR HARGREAVES: Thanks very much, Mr Speaker. I have been sitting here very patiently waiting for my turn.

Mr Hanson: Your turn to be in cabinet.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Hanson!

MR HARGREAVES: I have been there; you are never going to get there.

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