Page 2244 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 22 June 2011

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arrangement for the $288 million construction of the parkway. I will be doing whatever I can to assist the government’s lobbying efforts aimed at getting the federal government to fund the balance of $144 million. As I said, this major infrastructure project must be argued on its benefits to Canberra and the region. I want to see the Majura parkway built, and built soon, for the benefit of my constituents and for all of Canberra.

MR SPEAKER: As members may recall, we are debating this cognately. We are going to vote on Dr Bourke’s motion and then we will come to the other two motions.

Question put:

That Dr Bourke’s motion be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 7

Noes 10

Mr Barr

Mr Hargreaves

Ms Bresnan

Ms Hunter

Dr Bourke

Ms Porter

Mr Coe

Ms Le Couteur

Ms Burch

Mr Doszpot

Mr Rattenbury

Mr Corbell

Mrs Dunne

Mr Seselja

Ms Gallagher

Mr Hanson

Mr Smyth

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR COE (Ginninderra) (12.18): I move:

That this Assembly supports the construction of the Majura Parkway.

MR SPEAKER: The question is that Mr Coe’s motion be agreed to. In the cognate debate, Mr Coe has the right to close the debate, and I believe that is it unless anyone moves an amendment.

MR COE: I do not intend to speak for long as I believe the opposition have already clearly articulated our view. Nothing could be clearer than saying that this Assembly supports the construction of Majura parkway. We are not going to try and pad it with self-congratulatory statements like the Labor Party tried to. We want to make it crystal clear what this Assembly’s intention is when it comes to the construction of Majura parkway.

One thing that has not been crystal clear is exactly what the Greens’ stance is on this. Mr Rattenbury probably got as far as saying that they are opposed to Majura parkway but they want to upgrade some intersections and they want to do some other work. I would like to know what intersections you want to upgrade. A couple have already been upgraded. You have got a couple of roundabouts there already; you have got the traffic lights. I am not sure exactly what intersections—plural—you are looking at giving this capital works money to. The fact is that the road as it currently stands, a single-lane road, is insufficient and is bringing about accidents. It is bringing about inefficiencies, and it is bringing about poor productivity for the region.

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