Page 2130 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 21 June 2011

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from someone who has extensive experience dealing with prisoners, 100 per cent of prisoners do not support her ideological plan for a needle and syringe program. If ever you wanted an example of how out of touch Katy Gallagher is—she is driving this needle and syringe program. It is not on this agenda, and if I were her I would be embarrassed to put it on here as well. If it is meant to be such a flagship, she seems to have gone very quiet about it.

But where is the grounding in reality? There is not any. If you talk to the prisoners and you talk to the corrections officers, they do not want it. What you see is Katy Gallagher being ideologically driven to do it. But she will not get it done, because she cannot get things done—just as she could not get Calvary done, just as she could not close the schools and Andrew Barr had to come in and do it for her. She will not get the NSP done because she has not got what it takes. We know that, based on the evidence we have seen of this minister, this Chief Minister.

If this was a document that was meant to inspire the ACT community, it has failed. This is a bureaucratic statement of motherhood statements, of things that she loosely wants to achieve. It shows that, where there is direction—and, sadly, there is much—

Mr Smyth: Missing.

MR HANSON: missing from this document—

Mr Smyth: Sorry.

MR HANSON: I was going to say “lacking”, but “missing” will do; there is much missing. It has been set by others, and she is simply following, not leading.

Question agreed to.

Government—openness and transparency

Discussion of matter of public importance

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mrs Dunne) Mr Speaker has received letters from Dr Bourke, Ms Bresnan, Mr Coe, Mr Doszpot, Mrs Dunne, Mr Hanson, Mr Hargreaves, Ms Hunter, Ms Le Couteur, Ms Porter, Mr Seselja and Mr Smyth proposing that matters of public importance be submitted to the Assembly. In accordance with standing order 79, Mr Speaker has determined that the matter proposed by Mr Doszpot be submitted to the Assembly, namely:

The importance of openness and transparency in government.

MR DOSZPOT (Brindabella) (4.49): Thank you, Madam Assistant Speaker. I welcome the opportunity to speak to this matter of public importance—the importance of openness and transparency in government. It is particularly fitting as we start the first real week of sitting for the new Gallagher ministry that we take time to consider the importance of openness and transparency in government.

I note that in the Canberra Times yesterday the Chief Minister pledged a new era in accountability. We are to learn of her agenda for the first 12 months, and we have

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