Page 1935 - Week 05 - Thursday, 5 May 2011

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We note that the injection of $1.9 million is a significant amount for the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. It is also positive to see a targeted employment strategy for both Indigenous people and people with a disability. I am also pleased that camps will be funded and will continue for members of the United Ngunnawal Elders Council.

In conclusion, the Greens are pleased that so many of our initiatives have been progressed in the budget. We are, however, concerned that there does not appear to be a concerted and integrated effort right across government to address the most pressing challenges facing our community—in particular, climate change, peak oil and health care. In addressing many of the issues of today, this budget does the job, and in many places, it does it well. In planning for the future, there is a shift in thinking that still needs to happen here in the territory.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mr Hargreaves): I congratulate the chamber on hearing both non-government leaders without interjection.

MR SMYTH (Brindabella) (3.45): I welcome this opportunity to speak on the 2011 budget as delivered on Tuesday by the Treasurer. I have spoken in previous budget replies about the lack of plans from this government for the future of the ACT economy. Again, I repeat this sentiment this year. If you were looking for a plan for the future of the ACT economy in this budget you would not find it—

Mr Barr interjecting—

MR SMYTH: and yet, just again—

Mr Stanhope interjecting—

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Excuse me, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: yesterday, our Treasurer—

Mr Barr interjecting—

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, would you please—

MR SMYTH: is quoted in the Canberra Times as saying—

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Resume your seat, Mr Smyth. Stop the clock, please. Members of the government will come to order. That was not the starting gun. Thank you, very much. Let us continue the courtesy. This is a budget debate. Mr Smyth has the floor.

MR SMYTH: They just cannot help themselves, Mr Assistant Speaker.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: No, Mr Smyth. Mr Smyth, going fishing does not work either.

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