Page 1880 - Week 05 - Thursday, 5 May 2011

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The government is mindful that, whatever the cause, the industry needs time to adjust to actual market values. This is why the government is providing generous remission arrangements for the residential sector for the next four years to help industry to adjust to the market values. The transition package that I announced in this budget will provide a subsidy to industry of around $45 million over four years, with reference to a 100 per cent charge.

Members would note that under the proposed changes, the government will retain the ability to provide a remission of the charge to achieve specific policy objectives. Indeed, in the 2011-12 budget, the government is supporting the adaptive re-use of C and D-grade office stock in town centres with remissions of the charge, as well as in childcare centres.

Mr Speaker, this legislation will rename the change of use charge to lease variation charge to more accurately reflect the present system. This bill will also include the lease variation charge within the purview of the Taxation Administration Act and bring a number of new powers under the control of the Commissioner for ACT Revenue. As a consequence of this change, the Commissioner for ACT Revenue will be the determining authority for the lease variation charge. However, ACTPLA will continue to administer it as is current practice.

The charge has been classified and treated as a tax in our accounts. It is sensible to provide for its administration under the taxation legislation. These changes will return transparency and integrity to the system and allow the territory and the community to receive the compensation they are entitled to under the territory’s leasehold system. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Seselja) adjourned to the next sitting.

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011

Mr Corbell, pursuant to notice, presented the bill, its explanatory statement and a Human Rights Act compatibility statement.

Title read by Clerk.

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Attorney-General, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, Minister for Energy and Minister for Police and Emergency Services) (10.23): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

Mr Speaker, the Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011 makes statute law revision amendments to ACT legislation under guidelines for the technical amendments program approved by the government. The program provides for amendments that are minor or technical and non-controversial. They are generally insufficiently important to justify the presentation of separate legislation in each case and may be inappropriate to make as editorial amendments in the process of republishing legislation under the Legislation Act 2001. The program is implemented by presenting

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