Page 1706 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 3 May 2011

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ACT Insurance Authority, dated 25 and 28 April 2011.

ACT Long Service Leave Authority, dated 21 and 29 April 2011.

ACT Public Cemeteries Authority, dated 28 April 2011.

Canberra Institute of Technology, dated 22 and 29 April 2011.

Cultural Facilities Corporation, dated 21 and 29 April 2011.

Exhibition Park Corporation, dated 28 April 2011.

Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission, dated 20 and 28 April 2011.

Land Development Agency, dated 29 April 2011.

Legal Aid Commission (ACT), dated 29 April 2011.

Public Trustee for the ACT.

Title read by Clerk.


That this bill be agreed to in principle.

Working Smarter. Delivering More

Mr Speaker, it is my pleasure to present the 2011-12 ACT Budget—my third Budget as the ACT Treasurer.

The Budget is focused on meeting our commitments to the community, increasing frontline services experiencing demand pressures, and supporting those in our community who need additional support.

This is a disciplined Budget. It carefully manages our growing costs, seeks to improve the efficiency of government services whilst meeting areas of increasing demand, and continues the record investments in the Territory’s essential infrastructure.

Mr Speaker, this has been a tough Budget to put together. It is a Budget delivered against a backdrop of changing economic conditions, including the continual loss of GST revenue and increasing pressures on our Budget.

In this Budget we are improving public service processes, implementing new approaches to working, reducing duplication and delivering increases in services, whilst managing our own costs more efficiently.

Mr Speaker, this Budget returns the Territory to surplus in 2013-14, as planned.

This is a Budget that is fiscally responsible. As outlined in our original fiscal recovery plan, we are systematically and sustainably working to return to surplus, improving our own efficiency without slashing service delivery.

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