Page 1399 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 6 April 2011

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Ayes 5

Noes 8

Mr Barr

Mr Hargreaves

Ms Bresnan

Ms Hunter

Ms Burch

Mr Doszpot

Ms Le Couteur

Mr Corbell

Mrs Dunne

Mr Rattenbury

Ms Gallagher

Mr Hanson

Mr Seselja

Question so resolved in the negative.

MS LE COUTEUR (Molonglo) (11.24): I would like to thank both the Liberal Party and the Labor Party for their basic support of this motion, despite the fact we have just voted down Mr Corbell’s amendment. I would like in particular to thank Mrs Dunne for pointing out that I was being a little ambitious in my original motion and it was possibly beyond the scope of the ACT government to change the copyright of all publications to creative commons licences, great idea though I think it would have been.

I do also agree with Mrs Dunne’s point that there is a possible problem with mentioning specific datasets in terms of ones that should be available, but I felt that it was important to demonstrate some of the obvious places where we have issues. I guess while I am at it, I will mention ACTPLA again. ACTPLA’s website is very hard to use and it simply does not have on it all the data which people want, which they would like to see.

I am very hopeful that this motion will lead to better and more open government, better and more participatory democracy in the ACT, and I commend the motion to the Assembly.

Motion agreed to.


Motion of censure

MR HANSON (Molonglo) (11.26): I move:

That this Assembly:

(1) notes that the document entitled Final Report (December 2010) of the Burnet Institute—External component of drug policies and services and their subsequent effects on prisoners and staff within the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) provides a damning assessment across a broad range of functions and services at the AMC, such as:

(a) a lack of leadership, governance, policy guidance and policy coordination;

(b) drug services that are fragmented and poorly coordinated;

(c) drug policies are not developed with front line staff consultation leading to ineffective outcomes;

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