Page 1293 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 5 April 2011

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of major order. But it was an undertaking that we did not shirk. Of course, we are not naive as a government. We understood the hurdles that would need to be jumped. We understand and have always understood the difficulties—not just the political difficulties but the practical difficulties—inherent in managing a major correctional facility, a prison.

In the context of the debate that we are having in relation to corrections, it is worth reminding ourselves of what the position, the landscape, in the ACT would be had we not taken government, had the Liberals taken government. The Belconnen Remand Centre would still be operating, Quamby would still be operating and we would still be transporting our prisoners to Goulburn jail. That was the Liberal Party’s position—and remains the Liberal Party’s position as far as I am aware—in relation to corrections and corrections policy. It is worth repeating: the Liberal Party’s position on corrections is that the Belconnen Remand Centre was fine—as far as the Liberals are concerned, fit for purpose.

I still remember Brendan Smyth on the site of the Alexander Maconochie Centre waving a placard. I still remember; we all remember it. It is there in the media, in print and on television: Brendan Smyth waving a banner. “Put the property values of the people of Jerrabomberra above corrections in the ACT” was Brendan Smyth’s position on the Alexander Maconochie Centre, reflecting the Liberal Party’s position about Alexander Maconochie.

The Liberal Party’s position, in relation to what it is that we are seeking to achieve is (1) the Belconnen Remand Centre was fine; and (2) we did not need a prison of our own. In other words, we would have been better protecting and maintaining the property rights of the residents of Jerrabomberra. And they were quite comfortable with the transportation of ACT prisoners to Goulburn jail. That is the Liberal Party’s position.

But we did not adopt that attitude. We were prepared to invest in this very important area. We were determined that we would establish, here in the ACT at the Alexander Maconochie Centre, world’s best practice and Australia’s only human rights compliant prison.

Mr Seselja: And you failed, dismally.

MR STANHOPE: And we are well on the way. Read the report. When you get the chance to read the report—

Mr Coe interjecting—


MR STANHOPE: When you get the chance to read the report, when you go to Hamburger’s—

Mr Coe interjecting—

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