Page 911 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 29 March 2011

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Mr O’Neil has focused on establishing a culture of clear and respectful communication between Bimberi staff and the young people. He has been providing support and mentoring for managers in the areas of leadership, supervision and staff training. He has commenced training of direct care staff in both crisis communication and child centred practice.

The improvements that are already underway under “improving communications mechanisms” include improved communication mechanisms, including a daily briefing for all staff, initial consultation meetings and the introduction of a weekly newsletter. Weekly all-staff meetings are now in place. Weekly meetings for all young people at the centre are now held and minuted. The Executive Director of the Office for Children, Youth and Family Support and the director, youth are holding a series of meetings with staff to underline the necessity of compliance with policies and procedures. All MSS staff reporting for duty at Bimberi have been required to sign agreements to say that they have been given and sighted protocols for their roles, and full copies of policies and procedures have been printed and issued to each officer.

Under “improving service delivery standards”, action in place includes mechanisms for improving service delivery standards, such as an audit of clinical incident procedures, development and implementation of therapeutic crisis intervention training and the review and implementation of revised risk classification processes for young people. Key workers have been allocated for all sentenced young people at the centre as part of refreshed case management arrangements. A case conference model has been introduced into case management arrangements, with all sentenced young people to have a case conference involving family and professionals by 31 March this year. A declared care team will be in place for every case conference.

A new executive teacher is in place and attends staff briefings every morning to determine the appropriate programming for each young person for that day. The executive teacher also attends weekly senior managers meetings. A new woodwork teacher has commenced duties at the centre and a new metalwork teacher and art teacher have recently commenced at Bimberi.

Under “establishing a culture of learning”, there is an audit of staff qualifications and learning needs, an audit of mandatory training for all staff, the development of a schedule of mandatory training for the next six months, the development of refresher training for all staff, creating access to e-learning for staff and young people, a vocational program developed for all young people and the development and delivery of cert III programs. A training officer is to be based full time in Bimberi. All new staff undergo a six-week induction training program.

A number of new modules have been added to the 2011 induction program, including emergency management, understanding the neurobiology of complex trauma and therapeutic crisis intervention. From 4 April this year, suicide awareness training will also be delivered as part of the induction package. The new modules have been added as part of the continuous review process that seeks to remove duplication and to ensure the currency of training.

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