Page 909 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 29 March 2011

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The level of training provided to MSS personnel and its adequacy for duties undertaken.

The recommendations are:

1. That the use of MSS Officers on night shift be phased out as soon as practicable as they do not have the necessary training to do much more than observations and their role does not permit the development of a working relationship and knowledge of the young people which is an essential management tool.

2. That the procedure for MSS Officers to work on night shift is reviewed and that the procedures include that no MSS Officer who is not fully trained is to be left without an accompanying YDO.

3. Additionally, where an MSS Officer is supervising on their own they are supervised every thirty minutes by the team leader or designated YDO and a record of that supervision maintained.

Terms of reference 3 is:

A review of the staffing levels, staff movements and activities during the shift and whether there was adequate operational coverage and management on the shift and availability of additional staffing to assist with post incident operations.

The recommendations are:

1. That staffing levels be increased as a matter of urgency to a level appropriate to the operation of all four units and that the use of MSS Officers be phased out as soon as practicable.

2. That the positions of Centre Manager, Operations Manager and Program Manager be filled as soon as possible.

Terms of reference 4 is:

An investigation into the operations of the shift and whether policies, procedures and practices were followed and whether any changes are required to policies, procedures and/or training.

The recommendations are:

1. That the policies, procedures and practices for BYJC be reviewed and … attention directed towards ensuring they provide clear practice and operational guidelines.

Recommendation 2 relates to staff conduct that night; so, on advice I have, I will not talk further on that recommendation at this time. The recommendations continue:

3. That consideration is given to the appointment of a training officer based at BYJC.

4. That consideration is given to the appointment of a quality, care and compliance officer.

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