Page 1119 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 30 March 2011

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I will continue to work to improve services for the community and, in this case, to improve the childcare services for the community of west Belconnen. The opposition has asked what the government is doing to increase childcare places in west Belconnen and in Canberra. I am glad Mrs Dunne brought up her one childcare policy, which is a centralised waiting list. It is one concept that has been resoundingly rejected by those I have talked to in my regular conversations with operators and parents.

Mrs Dunne: But not the Chief Minister.

MS BURCH: Well, he has rejected it, Mrs Dunne, and you know that. It is unclear how removing choice from parents about which childcare centre they send their children to could increase childcare places. I note that, despite my asking Mrs Dunne in this chamber previously to table the detail of this policy, she has not done so. I have checked the Canberra Liberals website for the policy, or any childcare policy, and there is nothing for anybody to see or know. If indeed, Mrs Dunne, you have a robust policy, why do you not share it with the rest of us and table it?

Mrs Dunne: We did, during the budget debate, Joy.

MS BURCH: Well, no, you did not. You said you had a list. You said it was costed, and I have not seen a single pen to paper since. Why? Because there is no childcare policy from the opposition, which is why they go to baseless activities about grants not going far enough or this work not being good enough. I would have thought, given Mrs Dunne’s interest in Gumnut, that she would have been supportive of them having a purpose-built building, but not so.

In contrast, the ACT Labor government has been active in increasing childcare places and investing in centres that are needed most. We have licensed an additional 666 places in 2009 and over 526 in 2010. Just last week I announced the government will strengthen its commitment to improve the accessibility of childcare in the ACT through the new childcare grants. All non-government childcare centres will be able to apply for $10,000 in childcare grants to a total funding pool of a quarter of a million dollars.

These funds can be used towards infrastructure costs, including planning and design, equipment and fit-outs. One of the key criteria in applying for these grants is for centres to maintain or increase childcare places using the funding. This has been welcomed by the childcare centres, and will both strengthen the capacity of childcare centres to provide extra places and meet the national quality standards for early childhood education and care at the same time.

I am also happy to announce, as has been mentioned here, that the recent construction of work at Baringa childcare centre in Spence is now complete. The new part of the building will provide space for an additional 24 babies in the west Belconnen area. This government is also planning work to meet the future needs of childcare within the ACT. We will be soon opening the west Belconnen child and family centre, which will provide support to families also in that area.

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