Page 1055 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 30 March 2011

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MR BARR: Those are administrative matters that are the responsibility of the Chief Minister.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Le Couteur, a supplementary question?

MS LE COUTEUR: Yes. Minister, are the proposed changes to planning consistent with your mantra of keeping the politics out of planning?

MR BARR: Yes, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Bresnan?

MS BRESNAN: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, what changes will need to be made to the Planning and Development Act and the Financial Management Act to implement the proposed changes to the ACT government structure? When will they be implemented?

MR BARR: That is also a matter still subject to some consideration as the finalisation of these arrangements has not yet occurred. Obviously, I will have some input in relation to the planning aspects but it is a whole-of-government reform and it is one quite rightly being led at the chief ministerial level.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Ms Hunter, a supplementary?

MS HUNTER: Minister, what sustainability and affordability criteria or guarantees will be built into any new planning system? I understand that might be your portfolio.

MR BARR: That is a hypothetical question and that is seeking an announcement of government policy. But there are no proposed changes to the planning system. The Hawke review talks about changes to the administrative structure within government.

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre—personal duress alarms

MR SMYTH: My question is to the Minister for Children and Young People. Minister, yesterday in your ministerial statement you talked about a range of improvements you are implementing at Bimberi, including the issuing of personal duress alarms. Minister, can you now confirm that all staff—including youth workers, teaching staff and MSS guards currently engaged to work at Bimberi—have been issued with duress alarms and can you confirm that the alarm system is fully operational at all locations within the centre?

MS BURCH: Again, I thank those opposite for their interest in Bimberi. It is my understanding that duress alarms are part and parcel of the tools of equipment provided to all staff, including the teaching staff, and that the security system is operational. I made mention yesterday that we have also conducted a security review and the finding of that review is that we had robust and rigorous security systems in place.

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