Page 699 - Week 02 - Thursday, 10 March 2011

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(14) answers to questions not received prior to the standing committees presenting their reports must be provided to the Speaker in accordance with standing order 253A;

(15) the standing committees are to report by 21 June 2011 on any items or matters related to the proposed expenditures to which that Committee is of the opinion that the attention of the Assembly should be directed. The standing committees may also advise the Assembly of their intention to pursue through further inquiry any matter arising during the Estimates inquiry process;

(16) if the Assembly is not sitting when the standing committees have completed their inquiries, the committees may send their reports to the Speaker or, in the absence of the Speaker, to the Deputy Speaker, who is authorised to give directions for printing, publishing and circulation; and

(17) the foregoing provisions of this resolution have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the standing orders.


Authority or Corporation

Budget Output

Standing Committee

Legislative Assembly Secretariat

Public Accounts

ACT Executive

Public Accounts


Public Accounts

Chief Minister’s Department

Output 1.1: Government Policy and Strategy

Public Accounts

Output 1.2: Public Sector Management

Output 1.3: Industrial Relations Policy

Output 1.4: Coordinated Communications and Events

Output 1.6: Project Facilitation

Output 1.7: Nation Building and Jobs Plan Taskforce

Output 2.1: Business and Industry Development

Output 3.1 : Tourism

Output 1.5 Arts Policy, Advice and Programs

Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Department of Territory and Municipal Services

Output 1.1: Information Services

Output 1.2: The Office of Transport

Output 1.3:Waste and Recycling

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services

Output 1.4: Land Management

Output 1.6: Sport and Recreation

Output 2.1: Government Services

Output 2.2: Events

Output 1.5: Environmental Regulation

Climate Change, Environment and Water

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