Page 656 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 9 March 2011
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I am livid at the level of neglect this town has been let run down to.
This town is becoming a joke and the abject failure by this local Government to ensure adequate and timely area beautification is carried out and maintained, is a complete and utter disgrace.
I am writing to bring to your attention jointly and severally, the matter of lawn mowing. TAMS stated in the local Chronicle (30 March), that it mows every four weeks …
That is complete and utter rubbish.
Another resident of Dunlop said:
Does the Stanhope government have any sort of a vague plan to mow car high grass on nature strips on Kerrigan Drive any time soon? (Or for that matter, in other areas of the ACT it selectively mows—if at all).
Sorry for the sarcasm but I really am wondering when the ACT government is going to start spending some of my rates on basic matters and enforcing laws so the ACT might once again resemble a community with a modicum—
a good level—
of civic pride.
A resident of Higgins said:
My husband and I and many of our friends and acquaintances comment on how neglected the city and suburbs of Canberra now look. Our suburb of Higgins is often overlooked by the parks and gardens section and grassy areas are looking very overgrown and uncared for. Our park near our home had grass at least 4 ft high and my husband contacted Mr Stanhope’s department. It was eventually cut last week, the tractor was really labouring to do its job but there are still areas that have been completely missed by the smaller mower. Lots of young families use the park and stopped coming because of the grass seeds and concern of snakes.
A resident of Gungahlin said:
I am unsure why we pay our council rates when the nature and median strips on Anthony Rolfe Avenue look atrocious. We keep our front garden and surrounding area pristine however we constantly have to mow and whipper snip the allocated council areas because they keep skipping/excluding our house and others around us—this is very annoying and frustrating as it makes our street look untidy and undesirable for potential buyers.
And this from Nicholls:
I have noticed lately that the grass is almost waist high along some of our back fences, which border onto government land … With the very hot and dry weather we have been having lately, it is extremely dangerous to have all this grass growing against our fences. I do not have a mower, since I live in a small
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