Page 554 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 9 March 2011

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their responsibilities in the adviser role is appropriate. This is a valuable addition to the potential scope of the committee’s work and may well be a very useful resource that provides additional qualitative analysis for the minister and the Assembly to use as we contemplate initiatives that may come about to prevent future deaths. The Greens agree to this amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Convenor, ACT Greens) (10.24): I move amendment No 3 circulated in my name [see schedule 2 at page 688].

This amendment changes the number of meetings that must be held annually from four times to once a year. I note there is a capacity for the committee to meet more often if required, and this amendment gives more flexibility to the committee. That is why we are moving our amendment.

MS BURCH (Brindabella—Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, Minister for Children and Young People, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Minister for Women) (10.24): The government will not be supporting the Greens’ amendment, and I refer to amendment No 6 circulated in my name. Consistent with the government’s three-yearly reporting period, the government would not support a minimum requirement of one meeting per year, irrespective of the final model agreed by the Assembly.

The amendment proposed by Ms Hunter would mean the committee would analyse the facts, reach conclusions and make decisions on the basis of a single annual meeting, and this will be on a yearly three-yearly reporting period. Such a provision would appear to suggest that the important and intricate work of the committee can be undertaken in such a manner. The intent of the original provision for a minimum of four meetings was also not supported, and the government suggests a three-year model, as in its amendment.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (10.25): The Canberra Liberals will support the Greens’ amendment but not the foreshadowed amendment by the government. The Greens’ amendment reduces the required number of meetings of the committee from four to one each financial year, but it needs to be said that this is not a maximum amount. This would seem sensible, particularly as the committee sets into a future routine and as, thankfully, there will not be a large number of deaths of children or young people in the ACT each year. It would seem a waste of resources if the committee had to meet on occasions where there was little or no business to conduct.

The government’s amendment retains the four meetings but spreads them over a three-year period, which it also seeks to use as the definition of a “reporting period”. Instead of reporting annually, which the Greens’ amendment contemplates, the government’s definition of “reporting period” would require a report from the committee only once every three years. We cannot agree to that approach. We believe there should be an annual report of the committee, but a minimum of one meeting a year is an appropriate approach. It does not prevent the committee from meeting more frequently should it need to do so, but it is better to leave the frequency to the committee rather than tie it to legislative requirements.

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