Page 551 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 9 March 2011

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MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Convenor, ACT Greens) (10.13): I move amendment No 2 circulated in my name [see schedule 2 at page 687].

This is about the appointment of committee members. Following extensive discussion with both the government and the opposition about the most appropriate structure for the appointment of members, this amendment reflects the consensus position. I have adopted the model proposed by Mrs Dunne and refined it to ensure that the necessary range of skills is included on the committee.

We have worked together to find the right mix of professionals and we believe we have captured a large range of committee members that will have expertise and skills in the analysis of the data and reporting requirements for the committee. We have made amendments that provide for the minister to appoint at least eight, but no more than 10, members to the committee. A range of skills and areas of knowledge have been defined to ensure that the appointments are suitable for the committee so that the committee is able to undertake the functions that it has been charged with.

MS BURCH (Brindabella—Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, Minister for Children and Young People, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Minister for Women) (10.14): The bill, at section 727E, makes provisions for the appointment of a chair to the committee, a person who is not otherwise a member of the committee—

MR SPEAKER: Ms Burch, I believe you are speaking to your own amendment. We are actually on Ms Hunter’s amendment No 2.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (10.14): The Canberra Liberals will support this amendment, which replaces a very prescriptive committee membership provision which was in the original bill. Under this amendment, the minister will appoint eight to 10 members with stated expertise for no longer than three years. I might say here that, in the many discussions that I had with Ms Burch and Ms Hunter in what I have described on another occasion as the shambolic process that has brought this bill to this place, it was my understanding that we had an agreement that there would be a minimum of six members of the committee and that the minister was going to bring forward an amendment to that effect. But that has not happened today.

I note, too, that the amendment prescribed that the committee is to include a social worker and a police officer, both of whom have to have expertise or experience in dealing with children and young people and families; that the minister must be satisfied that appointees are suitable, and that is in accordance with the suitability requirements of the act; and that the conditions of appointment are the conditions stated in the appointment and are subject to determination by the Remuneration Tribunal.

Amendment agreed to.

MS BURCH (Brindabella—Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services, Minister for Children and Young People, Minister for Ageing, Minister for

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