Page 427 - Week 01 - Thursday, 17 February 2011

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(1 & 2) The ACT Ambulance Service reports performance against Priority 1 responses to the Canberra community (50th and 90th percentile). The number of responses, incidents and performance against targets is reported each year in the Department’s Annual Report.

The table below provides information regarding responses, incidents and performance against actual target rather than individual calls (that is where multiple calls are received for the same incident only one contact is counted to determine the response time).

(A copy of the attachment is available at the Chamber Support Office).

Housing—home insulation program
(Question No 1384)

Mrs Dunne asked the Attorney-General, upon notice, on 9 December 2010:

(1) How many consumer complaints about the Commonwealth Government’s insulation program did the Office of Fair Trading receive (a) during and (b) subsequent to the period of the program.

(2) What was the nature of those complaints referred to in part (1).

(3) What investigative action did the Office of Fair Trading take in relation to those complaints.

(4) To what extent did the Office of Fair Trading engage relevant Commonwealth Government departments or agencies in that investigative action.

(5) To what extent were the complaints remedied.

(6) Were any insulation program operators prosecuted under any laws operating in the Territory; if so, what (a) was the nature of the prosecution actions taken and (b) what penalties were imposed.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The Office of Regulatory Services (ORS) received 7 formal complaints about the insulation prior to the early termination of the Australian Government Home Insulation program on 19 February 2010. The ORS has since received a further 21 formal complaints.

(2) The complaints predominantly related to:

allegations of misleading or deceptive conduct by the trader;

poor quality of insulation installation;

potential safety related issues;

disputes between the insulation installer and the home owner resulting from the Australian Government decreasing the rebate amount in November 2009; and

installers possibly claiming the rebate from the Australian Government unlawfully.

(3) The ORS investigated each of these 28 complaints

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