Page 379 - Week 01 - Thursday, 17 February 2011

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finalisation statistics for the Coroner’s Court, have there been changes made to how the Court operates that have contributed to this trend.

(2) Have court listing practices changed for the Coroner’s Court over the last three financial years; if so, what are the changes and have they influenced the rate of court finalisations.

(3) Have case management practices changed for the Coroner’s Court over the last three financial years; if so, what are the changes and have they influenced the rate of court finalisations.

(4) What is the status of the review of the Coroners Act 1997 for which submissions closed in December 2008.

(5) What are the ACT Government’s next steps in the review of the Act and what are the timeframes for those steps.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Changes have occurred over the last four years so that Magistrates who are appointed as Coroners now deal with more matters in chambers. This practice has led to a reduction in the number of hearings required and a related reduction in the time taken for matters to be finalised.

(2) See the answer to question 1.

(3) Coroners now manage their cases directly and will hold a directions hearing to narrow the issues before a hearing if a hearing is required. This practice aids in reducing the time to finalisation of a matter.

(4) The review is nearing completion. A long and detailed consultation phase for this project has been completed. The consultation involved a series of discussions with interested parties on their submissions (and with some who had not made submissions), and included judicial officers, practitioners, departmental officers, community representatives and families.

(5) As a result of the consultation there are 16 proposals for change and stakeholders have recently been asked for their comments on the intended changes. Most of the changes will be administrative, but there will be some important amendments to the Coroners Act. The Government proposes to introduce legislation in the autumn sittings.

Planning—Block 20 Section 23, Hume
(Question No 1298)

Ms Bresnan asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 9 December 2010 (redirected to the Acting Minister for Planning):

In relation to Block 20 Section 23, Hume, for the amendments to reduce stack heights for the proposal that were approved by ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) on 1 July 2010, what modelling and safety checks were conducted by the proponents of the proposed development and were these reviewed by ACTPLA to determine if they were appropriate.

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