Page 30 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 15 February 2011

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The Work Safety Act 2008 is amended to make it clear that a serious event under division 3.3 of the act includes a serious injury to a worker, as well as to any other person.

A number of other acts are amended to standardise the meaning of “bankruptcy”. This continues a process begun last year in Statute Law Amendment Act 2009 (No 2) with the insertion of a definition of “bankruptcy” in the Legislation Act, dictionary, part 1.

I would like to express my thanks for members’ continuing support for the technical amendments program. The technical amendments program is a good example of the territory leading the way and striving for the best—in this case, a modern, high quality, up-to-date and easily accessible statute book. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

Bill agreed to.

Auditor-General’s report No 3 of 2010—government response

Statement by minister

MS GALLAGHER (Molonglo—Deputy Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Health and Minister for Industrial Relations), by leave: On 18 November 2010, the chair of the public accounts committee informed the Assembly that the committee had resolved not to inquire further into Auditor-General’s report No 3 of 2010 on the delivery of budget initiatives. As the committee has made no further recommendations for follow-up and no further action is required, I advise that the government’s position on the matter is as provided in the government’s submission to the committee, which was tabled in the Assembly on 19 October 2010.

Sitting suspended from 11.28 am to 2 pm.

Questions without notice

Hospitals—waiting lists

MR SESELJA: My question is to the Minister for Health. I refer to the Auditor-General’s report on waiting lists for elective surgery and medical treatment. The Auditor-General found:

… in 2009-10, 250 patients in Category 1 were reclassified and a significant number of these reclassifications (97 percent) occurred without documented clinical reasons …

Minister, why did 97 per cent of the reclassification of patients in category 1 take place without documented clinical reasons?

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