Page 245 - Week 01 - Thursday, 17 February 2011

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Thursday, 17 February 2011

MR SPEAKER (Mr Rattenbury) took the chair at 10 am and asked members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of the Australian Capital Territory.


Ministerial response

The Clerk: The following response to a petition has been lodged by a minister:

By Mr Stanhope, Minister for Transport, dated 15 February 2011, in response to a petition lodged by Mr Seselja on 16 November 2010, concerning improved safety for children within the Gowrie Oval car park.

The terms of the response will be recorded in Hansard.

Roads—Gowrie Oval car park—petition No 113

The response read as follows:

The ACT Government notes the petition submitted by the petitioners, tabled by Mr Seselja MLA on 16 November 2010 and makes the following comments:

Mr Stanhope MLA and Roads ACT received requests for investigation of pedestrian issues at Gowrie Oval in 2010. These concerns mainly related to the afternoon pick-up time of students from the Holy Family Primary School;

In response to these concerns, officers of Roads ACT visited the location on a number of occasions during the afternoon pick-up time and held discussions with the School’s staff;

The pick-up arrangements for Holy Family Primary School provide for children to use an underpass to cross Castleton Crescent to reach waiting parents at Gowrie Oval;

During the inspections Roads ACT officers observed that the majority of vehicles in the carpark belonged to parents or carers waiting to pick up children and that a large proportion of these parents/carers left their vehicles to wait for their children on the underpass side of the carpark and escort them back to their vehicles;

The carpark itself operates as a slow speed environment and the need for traffic calming measures at this location is not justified;

It was also observed that crossing activities in the carpark are not limited to one specific location and that the number of pedestrians and vehicles would not meet the requirements for the provision of a marked pedestrian crossing at this location;

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