Page 5952 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 8 December 2010

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Government should consider New South Wales prisoners at AMC.

Mr Hanson went on to say:

There will be over 100 spare beds at the jail once all of the ACT’s prisoners are returned from NSW.

Mr Hanson seemed to assume that once all the New South Wales prisoners were returned to the ACT we would not have any more prisoners—that somehow there would be no further crime in the ACT, that there would be no-one else sentenced to custodial sentences in the ACT and that there were going to be 100 beds. This was the sort of simplistic and completely misjudged policy that we see from the Liberal Party—Mr Hanson assuming that once we had all the prisoners back from places like Goulburn and Junee there would not be any more prisoners sentenced to jail in the ACT. Well, you were wrong, Mr Hanson. You were wrong then and you are wrong now.

Of course, Mr Seselja did not help matters back on 27 January this year when he also called for additional prisoners to be housed at the AMC and said that we should seek funding and support from New South Wales to have their prisoners transferred here to the ACT. So as late as this year, 27 January this year, Mr Hanson is on the record saying that we should pick up the phone and speak to New South Wales and invite New South Wales to send their prisoners here.

Mr Hanson: I believed you had a capacity of 300, Simon—silly me.

MR CORBELL: Again, Mr Hanson, if you had been the minister—

MR SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.

MR CORBELL: you would have no room—

MR SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.

MR CORBELL: for more ACT prisoners.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Corbell, sit down. Mr Seselja, a supplementary?

MR SESELJA: Minister, will you provide the Assembly with updated projections of prisoner numbers in the ACT for the next 20 years?

MR CORBELL: I will take the question on notice.

Planning—master plans

MS BRESNAN: My question is to the Minister for Land and Property Services and concerns the government’s master planning processes and progress in determining community priorities. Minister, noting the motion passed in the Assembly on

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