Page 5584 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 17 November 2010

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Mr Barr: Go and check the Hansard. I think you will find that I did.

MR SMYTH: We might check the Hansard then. We are getting different answers from different parts of the ministry and different answers from different parts of the bureaucracy.

The real question is: what is this all about? We have got a very angry Chief Minister who came back from holiday and who was caught out on ABC, not realising that his minister had ducked it. It has taken really until today to hear anything substantive about this from the minister responsible for planning.

So the first question really is: is it a technical variation? In regard to the increased number of dwellings that were allowed, I do not believe that it meets the definition of a technical variation. If anyone can go through any of section 87(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) or (g) and explain which one it comes under or which one they claim it comes under and if there is some legal advice then they can table it to prove their assumption.

Mr Seselja: We would love to see that legal advice.

MR SMYTH: We would love to see that legal advice.

Mr Barr: I spent seven minutes of my speech going into exquisite detail.


MR SMYTH: You were not very clear. That is all I can say.

Mr Barr: I was not clear enough? Right?

MR SMYTH: You were not very clear.

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, will you not engage in discussion across the chamber.

MR SMYTH: You are right, Madam Deputy Speaker. I should not do it but he puts his head up—

Mr Seselja: Look at that respect for the chair.


MR SMYTH: We respect the chair, Madam Deputy Speaker. Yes, Mr Barr did go through it but I do not think that what he spoke about constitutes something of the size of this change.

Indeed, Ms Le Couteur made mention of the website that says, “Just be aware there might be changes.” I doubt that very few people logging onto that website would have expected their suburb to increase by 50 per cent or increase by 30 per cent, depending on which suburb you are in. That is the problem here.

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