Page 4881 - Week 11 - Thursday, 21 October 2010

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MS BURCH: DHCS provides a range of services to support students through Therapy ACT and other disability programs. We will support them in the environment of how the case plans work. I must admit that I missed the first part of your question because there was a conversation here.

Mr Doszpot: I am happy to repeat it.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, thank you, Mr Doszpot.

MR DOSZPOT: My question, minister, is: now that some education disability services will be shifted to your department, how will DHCS service these students and their parents?

MS BURCH: We will service them as the requirements of that service shift. DHCS and DET already have an active partnership in service provision. We share a common client across many of those things, particularly those children with disabilities that are in education or schools, but they are part of our client base as well. There are ongoing formal arrangements as to how any transition and change will take effect. Without the specific service I cannot really respond, other than to give you in good faith an answer saying that DHCS and DET are working in a very strong partnership to make sure that service deliveries to those shared families are indeed in place.

MR SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Doszpot?

MR DOSZPOT: Thank you, Mr Speaker. The chief executive of DET has advised that his department has been in consultation with DHCS. Can you please advise the Assembly of what has been discussed?

MS BURCH: There is a joint reference group and it is talking about programs and services delivered to children that share both DET and DHCS. One of those programs is a pilot of therapy assistance down in Woden school. That is an active partnership between DHCS and DET. I am actually quite excited about that.

That is being reviewed. That is being looked at and evaluated as the year comes to an end. I would be very interested to see how that pans out and to see what benefit that is. My health background tells me that therapy assistance on site can be a very valued addition. Other things that are discussed are transition from school. Black Mountain is also on the table and I think we have had that discussion about transition and post-school options.

MRS DUNNE: A supplementary question, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mrs Dunne.

MRS DUNNE: Minister, what discussions have you had with the minister for education or other officials in the department of education about this transfer of responsibilities and where will the money be coming from? Will the money also be transferred from the department of education?

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