Page 4261 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 22 September 2010

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progressively switching through the energy reduction stages of “switch off monitor”, “turn off hard disks” and “system stand-by”, dependent upon the time that the computer sits idle.

In November 2008, the government implemented a more proactive power management capability across government computers. Under the proactive strategy, the energy reduction stages are activated after a shorter period of inactivity. Implementing the power management strategy can reduce the energy consumption for both the computer and screen combined to less than 10 watts when idle. The average power consumption of a computer when running is 150 watts.

The student computers at the CIT are already subject to an even more proactive strategy whereby computers are shut down completely after hours. There are approximately 10,000 computers that have been converted to the proactive power management strategy. There are currently 248 high-dependency computers required to be excluded from the power management policy, based on business requirement.

InTACT is in the process of working to centralise consumption information across government, utilising appropriate technologies. This will soon provide an opportunity to better track and manage printer consumption holistically across government. InTACT will be able to provide detailed consumption reports to each agency and will also have greater visibility of usage of individual devices with a view to consolidating equipment where possible.

It is possible for printers to be set to default to double-sided printing, which InTACT does at the request of individual agencies. A range of agencies across government have already opted for this to be the default setting.

Before concluding, I will mention that the government is investing in the broader use of other technologies like teleconferencing and telecommuting. Teleconferencing has been at the forefront of a number of ACT government departments, and initiatives such as videoconferencing and CCTV are being investigated for applicability across government.

As a government we are proactive in regard to information available on government websites and the provision of information to the community, and we will continue to be so in the future. I make that point in relation to those parts of Ms Le Couteur’s motion which go to issues around consultation. Members will be aware that I have circulated an amendment to adjust Ms Le Couteur’s motion. I move:

Omit paragraph (2), substitute:

“(2) and also notes that the ACT Government:

(a) does not know the whole of government ICT energy use for the ACT;

(b) is currently developing an accurate method of measuring government ICT energy use for the ACT; and

(c) has identified sustainability and environmental responsibility as a key element of its draft ICT Strategy;”.

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