Page 3898 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 25 August 2010

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(f) ensuring parking capacity and requirements are met and are consistent with ACT parking guidelines;

(3) that the ACT Government will report on these upgrade works to the Assembly and the community in the 2010-2011 Annual Report; and

(4) that master planning priorities should be determined through the budget process on the basis of need, reflected through community consultation, rather than through a political process.”.

The amendment goes to the very issue of the opportunities that are presented as a result of proposals that might come to pass for a direct grant and an expansion of Woolworths, which would lead to significant change to the look of the area and provide very significant opportunities to deal with some of the issues which Mr Smyth has raised as being of concern. They are issues of concern with which none of us disagree.

As a part of that process, the Department of Land and Property Services has initiated the process for a design option study for Kambah Village to outline further development opportunities and to outline the potential to achieve the very sorts of outcomes that Mr Smyth seeks to achieve. But it will do this, we believe, in a more reasonable way, in a focused way and in a way that does not intrude into the objective decision making of the Department of Territory and Municipal Services in relation to the identification in a reasonable, ordered way of upgrades for the shopping centres across the whole of the ACT and does not just focus on the one shopping centre which is the focus of political interest on a particular day.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: The question is that Mr Stanhope’s amendment be agreed to. Mr Seselja, before you proceed, are you speaking to the substantive motion, to the amendment or to both of them?

MR SESELJA (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (3.38): I will speak to both, if I could, Mr Assistant Speaker.

Mr Smyth: We haven’t got the amendment. We don’t know what it says.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: It was just a point of clarification. Thank you, Mr Seselja.

MR SESELJA: Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker. I thank Mr Stanhope for his contribution. Effectively the Chief Minister is telling the people of Kambah, “Well, you should just be grateful for what you’ve got.” He is saying—

Mr Stanhope: What about the 80 that missed out, Zed? What do you say to the people of Scullin?

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Chief Minister, please have a seat. It is hard enough to control him without your statements.

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