Page 3886 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 25 August 2010

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an enviable record of achievement in relation to the delivery of capital works. Look at the achievements of Roads ACT over this last year. It has been a massive effort and it has been achieved very professionally and extremely well. I do not know whether, underpinning Mr Coe’s question, there really is a suggestion that either Procurement Solutions or Roads ACT, because of the issue in relation to the GDE—

Ms Gallagher: I think it might have been.

MR STANHOPE: You think it might have been? It might have been a shot at Roads ACT or Procurement Solutions in relation to the Barton Highway bridge. Of course, it is, Mr Coe. I think, Mr Coe, it would serve us all well if we simply awaited the outcome of the WorkSafe inquiry into that particular issue.

Mr Coe: You raised it, Jon.

MR STANHOPE: For you to be standing here today, the day after the—

Mr Seselja: We didn’t even mention it. You are paranoid, Jon.

MR STANHOPE: So the question had nothing to do—

Mr Seselja: You are paranoid, mate.

MR STANHOPE: It did, and it is underhand. It is underhand; it is unnecessary. Here we are, within 24 hours the Liberal Party are out there gunning for someone. And who do they gun for? They go straight for hardworking, professional, diligent public servants. They are out there gunning for Roads ACT and Procurement Solutions. I must say, Mr Coe, that it is underhand. It is unbecoming, but it is so typical. It is so typical. At one level, I guess I am surprised that it took you 24 hours.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, a supplementary?

MR HANSON: Yes, Mr Speaker. Chief Minister, are there any areas of your departments where you have concerns about performance and/or service delivery?

MR STANHOPE: At times I guess probably every incumbent government has some concern about just how professional—so if I have concerns it is about the rigorous, apolitical, objective nature of advice that I have received sometimes on what are quite patently absurd proposals put up by the Liberal Party and others in relation to, say, legislation. For instance, I thought some of the responses I got from TAMS in relation to just how ridiculous your proposals were in relation to drug testing legislation were far too objective. Where they actually stood by their objectivity, they failed to give me the advice I needed on exactly how absurd your proposals were.

Mr Hanson: Mr Speaker, on a point of order as to relevance, the question was not regarding advice that he has received; it was regarding concerns about performance and/or service delivery.

MR SPEAKER: I would ask the Chief Minister to come to the point of the question.

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