Page 3290 - Week 07 - Thursday, 1 July 2010

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(4) ACTEW’s vacancies may be filled at the discretion of the Voting Shareholders.

(5) The remuneration for each member is as follows:


Mr John Mackay AM

$55,002 per annum plus 9% superannuation


Mr Michael Easson AM

$31,625 per annum plus 9% superannuation


Dr Allan Hawke

$27,501 per annum plus 9% superannuation


Mr Mark Sullivan



Mr Ted Mathews PSM

$27,501 per annum plus 9% superannuation


Ms Wendy Caird

$27,501 per annum plus 9% superannuation

(6) There are no allowances for ACTEW Board members.

(7) Mr Michael Easson travels to Canberra from Sydney to attend Board Meetings.

Ms Wendy Caird travels to Canberra from Sydney to attend Board meetings.

(8) The costs for Mr Easson’s travel are shared between ACTEW and ActewAGL. The average cost of return travel is $700. If an overnight stay is required, accommodation and meals are approximately $300 per night.

Costs associated with Ms Caird’s travel to Canberra include petrol of approximately $45 and overnight accommodation and meals of approximately $300 per night.

(9) Mr Easson has been a member since 1995. His strategic business acumen and financial management analytical skills are highly regarded.

Ms Caird’s background and experience complement the range of knowledge and skills of the other Board members.




Travel Costs

(a) 2007-08



Refer Answer 8

(b) 2008-09



Refer Answer 8

(c) 2009-10*



Refer Answer 8

* Estimated amount calculated to end of March 2010.

(11) No Board members are provided with the use of a Government vehicle.

(12) Not applicable.

(13) ACTEW has advised that the number of meetings held each year is reported in the annual report as required by corporations law. In 2009-10 year to date, eight board meetings have been held. The length of each meeting is dependent on the business to be dealt with and may last up to four hours.

(14) ACTEW has conducted meetings outside Canberra as per the following:

2005 – 1 meeting in Bowral

2007 – 1 meeting in Sydney

2007 – 1 meeting in Melbourne

2008 – 1 meeting in Melbourne

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