Page 3201 - Week 07 - Thursday, 1 July 2010

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Did we hear anything about the additional support of $1.2 million for disability services? That did not rate a mention from any of those people opposite. I understand that the shadow minister for disability is not here. He does enjoy the sympathy of the people on this side of the house. We do send our condolences to Maureen and wish him to help her get over this terrible time. Mr Hanson, on the other hand, did not advocate very well on behalf of Mr Doszpot in this sense. He did not address the $1.2 million at all. (Second speaking period taken.)

Did we see any comment about the $1.3 million for the support for out-of-home care? No. What about the carers advocacy service? There is $100,000 to be spent there. What about prevention of violence against women? You would have expected Mrs Dunne at least to have applauded that initiative. It has got $344,000 in the first year. They were banging on about the autism issue. We know that autism is an issue. We are all sympathetic to that.

Mr Seselja: That does not sound very sympathetic—“banging on about the autism issue”. That is how seriously you take it, John.

MR HARGREAVES: Where was the $100,000 mentioned?

Mr Seselja: Is that how seriously you take the issue of autism?


MR HARGREAVES: Where is your claim about that? There is none.

Mr Seselja: Is that your attitude to people with autism—banging on?

MR HARGREAVES: What these people have done is go cherry picking. They have said, “We think we can make a political point here and there.” Is their comment balanced? No, it is not.

Mr Smyth: I think John just explained why he is on the backbench.

Mr Seselja: So are you going to give us some critical comments now, John?

MR HARGREAVES: They talked about the multicultural languages program.

Mr Seselja: Are you going to do some critical comments on the budget?

MR HARGREAVES: In relation to the multicultural languages program—

Mr Hanson: What is wrong with the budget, John?

MR SPEAKER: Order, members!

MR HARGREAVES: an amount of $25,000 was allocated to increase the services to the Ethnic Schools Association.

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